The history of nicotine pouches

The Evolution of Nicotine Consumption: From Snus to Nicotine Pouches

The history of nicotine consumption is as fascinating as it is diverse. From snuff powders favored by French royalty to the modern-day nicotine pouches, the journey reveals societal changes, medical interests, and evolving preferences. Let’s delve into this rich history.

The Birth of Snus:

Medicinal Beginnings in France:

Jean Nicot, a French diplomat in Portugal during the 16th century, was among the pioneers of tobacco’s medicinal usage. He grew tobacco in his garden and transformed the leaves into a fine powder, known as snuff. The powder was presented to Catherine de’ Medici, the Queen of France, as a remedy for her persistent migraines. Consequently, snuff became a fashionable accessory among the French elite.

Journey to Sweden:

By the 17th century, the nasal snuff trend had reached Swedish shores. Its popularity grew exponentially, leading to a 1724 decree by King Fredrik I that mandated Swedes to cultivate their tobacco. This transition led to the birth of snus. Rather than snorting the tobacco, Swedes fermented it, creating a substance that was placed under the lip.

Snus Swedish Snus

One of the era-defining brands, Ljunglöf’s Ettan, uses a formula dating back to 1822. Jakob Fredrik Ljunglöf, a visionary in the realm of snus manufacturing, introduced a revolutionary process called pasteurization. This process extended snus’ shelf life, eradicated harmful elements, and expedited production.

The Swedish Tobacco Industry’s Transformation:

In 1914, Sweden nationalized its tobacco industry, consolidating numerous tobacco enterprises into AB Svenska Tobakmonopolet, state-owned. This transition led to the curtailment of tobacco products, with offerings plummeting from 400 to 17 in just two years. However, as international free trade burgeoned in the 1960s, Sweden rescinded its import and sales monopolies on tobacco. The subsequent merging of AB Svenska Tobaksmonopolet with matchmaker Swedish Match in 1996 further transformed the industry.

The Advent of Nicotine Pouches:

Nicotine Pouch Tobacco free nicotine pouches

Nicotine pouches, a relatively recent innovation, bear resemblances to the traditional Swedish snus. The inception of this product can be traced back to the early 2000s, when a startup named Niconovum developed the first pouch. Registering it as a medicinal nicotine replacement product, Zonnic, in 2008, it contained 2 mg of nicotine. British American Tobacco, through its acquisition of Niconovum in 2009, expanded into this niche.

With their popularity soaring, prominent tobacco manufacturers, like Swedish Match, Skruf, and AG Snus, introduced their nicotine pouch brands such as ZYN, Shiro, and Swave. Crafted as a response to the increasing demand for discreet, smokeless nicotine options, these pouches offered a tobacco-free alternative. Despite their inconspicuous nature, potential side effects, including gum irritation, nausea, and hiccups, remain a concern.


From its early days as a royal remedy in France to the sleek pouches of today, the narrative of nicotine consumption encapsulates centuries of innovation, societal change, and evolving preferences. As the world continues to grapple with the health concerns of tobacco, nicotine pouches stand as a testament to the ever-evolving nature of consumer needs and industry responses.